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Membership to the AAAA is open to all: pilots, non-pilots, restorers, owners, non-owners and people simply interested in being associated with other aviation enthusiasts. The Association has members in all states of Australia and in many overseas countries including the United Kingdom, U.S.A. and New Zealand. 

Member benefits include:
  • A Membership card which provides entry to our events for yourself, your partner and children under 18
  • A subscription to the Association's magazine "Rag & Tube" delivered quarterly
  • Annual calendar with AAAA event details as well as those of our major supporters and high quality images of member's aircraft
  • Eligibility for prestigious awards at each of our events
  • A 10 cents per litre discount off bowser price for AVGAS and JET A1 supplied through partner IOR Aviation
The membership year begins on April 1 to allow for convenient renewal at our annual National fly-In and yearly membership costs are:

Australian Adult Membership: $125.00 AUD
Australian Junior Membership (under 16 years old): $50.00 AUD
Overseas Adult Membership: $150.00 AUD

Membership Secretary: Chris Gallagher

To join the AAAA:

ONLINE: Please complete the Online Membership process at the bottom of this page. 

IN WRITING: Download the relevant form below (Application Form) and email it to the Membership Secretary or post it to:

Antique Aeroplane Association of Australia Inc.
PO Box 285 
Lara VIC 3212

Membership Application Form

By Becoming a Member you acknowledge that you are aware of, and consent to, Antique Aeroplane Association of Australia sharing your contact information with IOR to assist in offering a Member Fuel Discount. 

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© Antique Aeroplane Association of Australia
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